Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Idea #3

This third idea is a narrative that revolves around a character who is fighting against social norms of gender and size. At its root, the story would essentially be the argument that there is nothing you cannot do, if you are willing to die for it. The main character is a young girl who fights a giant.

La Main des MaƮtres from flowmotionfox on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. From the two times I've heard you tell your story, I gathered that you've got a whole world in your head waiting to get out. It's a great idea, because it's new and meaningful and everybody loves a hero's journey.

    Your story is so expansive it could be made into a trilogy easily. I think your battle scenes are interesting enough to stand alone. For your thesis, you may want to focus on just one part of your story and save the rest for a later film.

    If you are set on telling the whole story, you may want to rewatch a movie like Lord of the Rings and see how they kept the story flowing smoothly from battle to battle.
