Monday, September 05, 2011

The big switch,

After my pitch to the faculty at the beginning of the semester, I have been wrestling with the right medium. I was thinking Autodesk's Maya would be the way to go allowing me to make small changes to the project as I go and learn more about software in general, and I have also been giving a great deal of thought to using stop-motion. I have a much stronger grasp of what it will take to finsh the film in stop motion compared to maya. I have built sets, props, and characters for stop motion. I have also lit, captured, composted, and exported for stop motion projects, and done lips sync and a large variety of animation both character and abstract. However, I have done little of this in maya and some of it not at all. Michael Fink said in my pitch to go with your strength, both Lewis and Sweetvittles have told me that you do not want to be learning how to make your film as you go.

At the end of the day I am trying to make the best film I can, the same as a chef would make the best meal he or she can. I am looking around my kitchen trying to find the ingredients that I know how to cook. Dinner time is coming.

I am going to use stop motion for my thesis film.


  1. Nice man!! It's gonna be great! :D

  2. I second that. Great stop motion animation -- awesome acting and physics. Yall make it look effortless!

  3. Great! I think it will look wonderful! The most time will probably be spent building the backgrounds and characters. You may want to confer with Musa on your schedule.


  4. This was the right decision, I think. I'm really excited to see how your final film looks!
